FCC “Consent” Law

The FCC will put into effect a new “consent” law on January 27th, 2025. Don’t fall for “experts” who can help you through this unless they have a full understanding of the FCC law. This is a federal law that can be enhanced by states. Did the state you live in enhance the law? Talk to your broker, speak to an attorney with FCC knowledge and stay compliant. There is always a path forward and it is always best to know how the law will affect you, if at all.

Mike and the owner of Arch Communication, Steve Cortez, will discuss this at the Production Retreat next week in Palm Desert, CA.

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How to Become a More Productive Agent

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. Tony Smith here with you, coach and speaker for the Mike Ferry Organization. Happy to be here. Happy to keep passing along great messages from Mike Ferry. All right. Today I wrote down a topic. What do productive agents do? And sometimes what are the most productive agents not doing? Do you have a goal to just simply be more productive? If you follow the rules and the guidelines of people that are productive, there tends to be a series of things that productive people do. Productive people generally do some of the same things. Look at these thoughts about increasing your productivity and see if they make sense with you. Okay, the first one I wrote down productive, successful agents do not get sucked into social media. Okay, I understand the value in social media out there today, and it can be a great way to present yourself to the world at a at a very affordable cost. But I also know the difference. And successful and productive agents know the difference of scrolling through Facebook for three hours a day and getting lost in LinkedIn, or getting lost on Twitter. Getting lost in your Instagram, right? Um, the most successful people figure out how to control that. Just maybe just check how much time a day do you think you’re spending in social media today? And then is that time being spent in putting material out or looking at other people’s material? If you’re putting good, productive material out, that might be somewhat productive.


But if all you’re doing is scrolling and looking and watching what others do not productive, it’s a big black hole. You know it and I know it. Look at two productive, successful agents. Don’t start a day without a plan. They don’t start a day without a plan. Right? You know, it’s very common for productive people to spend a few minutes at the end of the day or a few minutes this this evening, outlining and planning tomorrow. Right. The unproductive agents show up to work. They get in, they get their coffee, they sit down, and they go, now what am I going to do? Right. How good are you at outlining and starting every day with a really strong plan of what you want to accomplish? Okay. If you look at, like Napoleon Hill, he said, if you start your day and you end your day with what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll succeed at a high level. Are you starting your day with a plan? Look at number three. Productive, successful agents do not spend a lot of time in emotionally draining activities. Okay. Now, when I say that I’m not saying prospecting. So don’t get lost there. All right, the truth is, you know, having a chit chat, conversations with agents, gossiping, hanging out with negative people, getting involved in some, you know, activities or some group settings that go on regularly that are just not productive or emotionally draining.


Are you spending too much time in emotionally draining activities separate from that? Would you look at number four productive, successful agents? Don’t worry about things they can’t control. All right. Can you control the interest rates? No. Can you control the market conditions and whether prices are going up or down or sideways? There are only four things that you actually can control. As an agent, you can control your mindset. You can control your attitude. You can control your actions, and you can control your reactions. And quite honestly, those are the only four things you have control of. Do you spend too much time worrying about things you can’t control? Can you control with another agents doing in the office? Can you honestly control what title or escrow is doing or the other side of your transaction? You focus on what you can control. Look at number five productive, successful agents. Don’t hang out with negative people. Okay? The world is chock full of them. They’re everywhere. There are negative people everywhere. We all have some negativity in us, okay? We all do. The question is, am I a carrier of negativity or am I contagious? You know the difference. Contagious is the type that spread it around.


If you run into somebody who is contagious with negativity, you have to dramatically limit the amount of time you spend with them. If you want to be productive and you want to be successful and you hang around negative people all the time, you don’t go anywhere. Okay, look at number six productive, successful agents. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, right? It’s the beauty of Mike and Mike Ferry. I got to tell you; the Mike Ferry Organization and Mike Ferry himself are truly some of the best people that I know that don’t dwell on past mistakes. We all make them. How fast can you recover? Professional athletes are trained. If they make a mistake to immediately have a short-term memory, they have to forget about it or they’re going to repeat the mistake. Are you still dwelling on last year’s production? Last year’s failure? Last month’s inconsistency. You can’t. You got to let it go and move on. Forward. Forward. We don’t dwell on the mistakes we make. Productive, successful agents. Number seven don’t focus too much on what others are doing. The only purpose of looking at other agents is for inspiration. It’s for motivation. It’s for great ideas. But we have created a business plan. Our job is to focus on the plan. It’s to focus on our activities, focus on our attitude, focus on our results.


If we spend too much time focusing on what everybody else is doing, we don’t spend any time improving ourselves, do we? You’re not competing with all the other agents in town. You’re competing against your business plan. Can you win the competition against your plan? I know you can. Okay. And then the last one for today. Productive, successful agents don’t make themselves the last priority. Okay. What I mean by that is, if you need to get a workout in regularly, you need to do that. If you need to make sure you eat throughout the day. Right. You don’t starve yourself until 9:00 at night and then go eat nine hamburgers, right? The truth is, is we have to make ourselves a priority. Our health is a concern. Our mindset is a concern. Our time is a concern. What we commit to and what we don’t. If you want to be highly successful, you have to stay pretty high on the priority chart. Maybe not. Number one, we’ve got family, and we’ve got things, but we can’t make ourselves the last priority, can we? Okay, so I know everybody here watching, or I’m assuming everybody here watching has a really strong goal to be more productive and more successful. Let’s listen to these rules. Let’s listen to these tips. See if it can’t work for you in the future. Thanks for your time.

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