Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

20 Tips to be a Stronger Businessperson Part 2

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. Tony Smith here with you again and excited as always to spend time with you anytime we can. Last week we started in on a series of thoughts, the 20 points of how to become a better businessperson. And hopefully you took some notes on those thoughts from last week and I want to continue. We got through point 10, so I want to start right away on point 11. First and foremost, before I start, are you fully engaged in the idea of becoming a better businessperson? At the Mike Ferry sales organization, we are constantly looking at how to improve your business techniques as a real estate agent, how to take more...

20 Tips to be a Strong Businessperson

Welcome back to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, speaker and coach for the Mike Ferry organization and happy, as always to spend time with anyone looking here at Mike Ferry TV. Okay, here we are. We're on the week of October 14th. I've got a series of thoughts that's probably going to take the next couple of weeks. And what I titled these thoughts is 20 Things you could or should do to become a much stronger businessperson. So, I don't know if you're interested in that. I hope you are interested in becoming a stronger businessperson. These thoughts I put together from probably, what is it, 35 years now hanging around Mike Ferry...

Unlocking Q4 Success

Welcome back to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, coach and speaker of the Mike Ferry organization, and happy to be here with you here on Mike Ferry TV. Okay, here we are. We have firmly planted ourselves in the fourth quarter of 2024. Are you excited about it? Would you like to take advantage of it? Is there any reason whatsoever you can't have this be a spectacular time of year for yourself? I don't think that there's a reason in the world. So, let's look at something right now. At this moment, you are in one of three positions in your business position. A: you've had a phenomenal year so far. From January...

Questions Equal Money

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. Tony Smith here, speaker and coach for the Mike Ferry organization. Happy to be back on Mike Ferry TV with you this week. Okay, I'm going to bring up a topic today that I know you've heard before, and I know you've probably heard it a hundred times if you've hung around Mike Ferry at all. I wrote it down like this. Asking more questions will make you more money. Are you interested in making more money? How much more money would you like to make? Have you made the connection between your ability to ask questions and the money you receive? Most people don't. So, I put down some thoughts because if we...

How to Market Yourself Without Going Broke

Hello there. Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. Tony Smith here with you, speaker and coach for the Mike Ferry sales organization. Thrilled to spend a little time with you here again on Mike Ferry TV. We are on the week of September 23rd. Okay, so everything in the world seems to be about how do I market myself? How do I brand myself? How do I put that recognition out to the world? That seems to be the hot topic these days. We have always had this belief at Mike Ferry's office that there is a way to market yourself without going broke. Okay, so I wrote down this whole series of of rules that you might consider to...

Mike Ferry’s 10 Commitments

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, speaker and coach for The Mike Ferry Organization. And you know the drill. I'm thrilled as always, anytime I get a chance to spend some time with you here on Mike Ferry TV. Okay, here we are the week of September 16th. It has arrived. It's officially the time of year when all of the actions you perform, the consistency you have, the skill, the aggression, all of those things pay at the highest level throughout the year. Why? Because we're running right into the time when the rest of the Real Estate world is distracted beyond belief. So if you can get it together, if you can stay...