Mike Ferry TV Blog

The Mike Ferry TV Blog (MFTV) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Real Estate, particularly agents and brokers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. The MFTV episodes provide practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied in the Real Estate business. These range from improving your self-confidence to understanding complex legal issues in the industry, essential for navigating the Real Estate market effectively. The Real Estate industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest trends and legal verdicts is crucial. MFTV offers up-to-date information, ensuring that Real Estate Professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in the industry.

Every Problem Has A Solution

So it's Monday, July 29th, 2024 and I have the opportunity again of doing another Mike Ferry TV. A little while ago I recorded the first one I ever did and at the end of it, because of course Mike Ferry not only my husband, but the man, the presenter, the Real Estate coach said to me, how did you do? And I thought to myself, well, I kind of forgot to have a script. I think I did okay, but I wanted to have the opportunity of correcting some of this. So when I was asked to do it again, I thought, yes, I am ready because I have a script this time, and it's been one of the...

The Benefits of Joining a Mastermind Group

Superstar Retreat Recap Hello! Welcome to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. This is the week of July 22nd. My name is Tony Smith, filling in for Mike Ferry this week, and I am thrilled to be here. We just wrapped up the Superstar Retreat last week, and I have to tell you, it was off the charts. The attendance, the attentiveness, people taking notes, the energy, the enthusiasm—Mike's points were incredible. For those of you that were there, thank you for being there. For those of you who didn't make it, don't miss another one. The Hidden Gem of Mastermind Groups During the event, something crossed my mind that I want to bring to our attention today. One of the really hidden...

Halfway Through the Year – Time to Produce at the Highest Level

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV the week of July 15th. Half the year is gone. We have half a year to produce and do our job at the highest level, and hopefully our messages each week will help you do that. Some of you are attending our annual Superstar Retreat, which starts today on Monday. And of course, this is the workbook and I'm sorry if you're not attending. There's 200 separate points pre-written in the workbook. So instead of spending four days doing a lot of writing, we're going to spend four days doing a lot of learning. A Letter to Coaching Clients I wrote a letter to our existing coaching clients about a week ago and got...

Boost Your Real Estate Success with Effective Presentation Skills

Welcome back to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, coach, speaker, and trainer for the Mike Ferry organization, and I'm excited to be here while Mike's out on the road doing some of his work, filling in for him today. This is the week of July 8th. We are all getting fired up, ramped up, excited because we've got our Superstar Retreat coming up in a couple of weeks. I hope you're all set to be there. How Presentation Affects Your Income Today I wanted to talk a little bit about how your overall presentation affects your income. Mike has said for years that one of the most important things that we could possibly do is improve...

Mid-Year Real Estate Focus: Skills, Strategies, and Passion for Growth

Hello. Welcome to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, coach, speaker, and trainer for The Mike Ferry Organization, and I'm thrilled to be here on the week of July 1st. What an incredible time of year for all our Canadian clients and friends. Happy Canada Day for all our US friends and clients. Happy Independence Day this week. Mid-Year Reflection Here we are at the halfway point of the year. What a magnificent time to be in the Real Estate industry. There are some changes going on, that's for sure. There are some adjustments that need to be made, that's for sure. But for Mike Ferry-trained agents, for the agents that are paying attention, this is our...

Importance of Numbers in Real Estate: Strategies for Success

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV: Week of June 24th We have just a few days before the first half of 2024 is going to be in the books and done. I've been talking to our coaching clients and our coaches for the last two weeks about checking carefully where each of our clients, in this case each of you, is in relationship to the goals you set for the year. Assessing Your Progress: Mid-Year Check-In Let's take an example. Let's say you set a goal for 20 transactions for the year. Here we are almost to June 30th and you've completed four. So obviously we would either be making some adjustments to what you're doing and or adjusting the goal that you have....